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  • poids : 22,2 Ko
  • dimensions : 600 x 400
  • visitée : 8450 fois
  • comments : 1
  • créée le : 09-08-09
  • ajoutée le : 11-08-09
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Images from la catégorie Music associated to the tag revival
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Alan Stivell - 20090809 30111

Breton singer and harpist Alan Stivell on stage in Paimpol, Brittany, on August 9, 2009. © Jean-Michel PRIMA 2009.


le 23-08-09 à 11:42

jm a écrit :

Since the late 1960s, Alan Stivell has been a major contributor to the revival of the celtic music which he innovatively mix with other influences, thus coming up with his own flavor of world music. Check www.alan-stivell.com for more.

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All pictures of this imagebank by photographer Jean-Michel Prima.